Firefox 90 launched with SmartBlock 2.0 and Windows improvements

Mozilla announced the launch of Firefox 90 today, with improvements to Firefox on Windows, WebRender software, and SmartBlock’s handling of Facebook trackers. Those on Windows also receive a new Firefox menu that helps identify compatibility issues caused by third-party applications and that can help boost the reliability of Firefox on your system.

Perhaps the feature that will affect most users is the introduction of SmartBlock 2.0 which enhances private browsing. In this update, Facebook scripts are blocked to stop you from being tracked across the web, but if you decide to log in with Facebook on any website, the scripts are loaded just in time to make your browsing experience smoother.

People on Windows will also get some great features in this update. From now on, Firefox doesn’t have to be running to download new browser updates, instead, they can be applied in the background while Firefox is closed. Firefox for Windows also includes the following: Third-party (accessed from the URL bar) which helps identify any compatibility issues caused by third-party programs that can cause problems with Firefox.

Since Firefox 67, Mozilla WebRender is rolling out more Firefox installs. With Firefox 90, users who do not have hardware-accelerated WebRender will now be switched to WebRender which has seen improved performance in this update. With WebRender, browsing with Firefox on a less powerful PC should be better.

Firefox should update automatically on Windows and macOS but you can force the update by going to Menu > About Firefox > Help. Linux users will have to wait for their package manager to update before they are allowed to download the update. If you don’t have Firefox, you can download it from the Firefox website.

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