Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 Reveal Planned for This Year

Square Enix confirms that it hopes to reveal more information about Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 at some point later this year.

Fans had to wait quite a long time to get their hands on the game, but once Final Fantasy 7 Remake was finally out it earned widespread critical acclaim and was hailed as one of the best action-RPGs of recent years. However, Final Fantasy 7 Remake only really scratched the surface of the original game’s plot, and so fans are anxious to see what Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 will have to offer. That’s still unclear at the time of this writing, but it seems answers may come before the year is out.

In celebration of Final Fantasy 7’s 25th anniversary, Square Enix recently talked about its plans for the future. During a special anniversary event, Square Enix confirmed that the plan is to share “more information” on Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 at some point in 2022. What exactly this “more information” will entail remains to be seen. Perhaps it will come in the form of a trailer, or maybe it will simply consist of Square Enix providing some details on what fans can expect from the game.

Until Square Enix itself provides more details on Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2’s story, all fans can do is speculate. But if the game is revealed in 2022 as Square Enix hopes, then the wait for information on the game should be coming to an end sooner rather than later. Perhaps it will be showcased in an upcoming PlayStation State of Play event, or maybe it will be one of the featured games at Square Enix’s E3 2022 presentation (assuming it hosts one, of course).

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